
What Color Braces Is Best For You?

When it comes to braces, they may not be the most comfortable experience, but part of the fun is being able to pick your braces colors. At Yang Orthodontics we offer a wide array of colors to help spice up your journey to a new smile. When it comes to selecting the right colors and color combinations for you, there will be some that help keep your smile white and bright and others that won’t. We’re here to break it down in this blog and help you make the right color choices at your next appointment. For easier guidance just look at the braces color wheels that we have included for each section.

Colors & Color Combinations to Avoid

Before we dive into depth on the best colors for you, we should rule out colors to avoid for most people with braces.

White: While white may seem like a great idea, since your teeth are practically white, this color will actually make your teeth appear more off-color than they really are. The white of the bands is typically an unnatural white, so unless your teeth are that level of pearly white, it’s best to avoid this color. On top of that, white braces are essentially like a white car. When they get dirty, it becomes a lot more noticeable.Brown & Green

While wearing these colors separately may work for you, combining them is not the right choice for anyone. The combination of brown and green can make it appear like you have food stuck in your teeth from a distance which is probably the opposite of what you want.


As you probably guessed, getting yellow braces can make your teeth appear more discolored and dirtier than they really are.

Now onto the colors and color combinations that could be a great match for your smile:

Colors for Darker Skin Tones

  • Dark Blue
  • Pink
  • Gold
  • Orange
  • Turquoise
  • Green
  • Violet
  • Red

The colors listed above are great for darker skin tones and can help make your pearly whites pop everytime you smile.

Colors for Lighter Skin Tones

  • Maroon
  • Pastel Pink
  • Light Blue
  • Purple
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Teal
  • Lime Green

These colors are a perfect choice for lighter skin tones. They can help give a vibrant look to your smile and give your teeth a brighter appearance.

Holiday Color Combinations

  • Halloween: Orange/Black/Purple
  • Thanksgiving: Orange/Red/Purple/Brown
  • Christmas: Green/Red
  • New Years: Gold/Silver
  • Easter: Pink/Green/Teal/Light Blue
  • July 4th: blue/red

Seasonal Color Combinations

  • Fall: Orange/Black/Purple/Red
  • Winter: Blue/Purple/Silver
  • Spring: Pink/Light Blue/Green/Teal
  • Summer: Teal/Blue/Red/Gold

Have a little fun and play around with the different combinations of colors for each holiday and season!

Braces may not be the most fun experience, but you can always spice it up by switching up your braces colors. Feel free to still use some of the colors we discussed are best to avoid, just combine them with colors that contrast them. Some other suggestions for what colors to pick out include: your favorite sports teams, school colors, your favorite color(s) or even pick out colors to match your favorite outfit! If you’re looking to get started on an orthodontic treatment, contact Yang Orthodontics at 215-757-0864! or click here to schedule your free consultation.

P.S – Check out our braces color picker to test out different color combinations before actually getting them!

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