Invisalign Instructions
Invisalign (Clear Aligner) Instructions
- Aligner trays must be worn 21 hours or more per day.
- When aligners are not worn, they must be kept in the Invisalign case ONLY. Do not wrap aligners in a tissue, napkin or paper towel. Do not place aligners in your pocket or purse.
- If a current aligner breaks or gets lost, move on to the next aligner. Stay on that aligner to match the original switch schedule to make up.
- Maintain Invisalign aligners by:
- Cleaning them with a toothbrush and toothpaste or dish soap under lukewarm or cold water each time you brush your teeth and by soaking in efferdent or similar cleaner as needed. Do not squeeze the aligners when brushing or cleaning.
- Keep them away from extreme heat…hot cars, dishwasher, stove, etc.
- Never boil aligners or wash in very hot water; this could distort the aligner.
- Keep them away from pets: animals will chew on aligners and destroy them!
- Remove aligners to eat or drink, other than water. Remove aligners if you are drinking sugary drinks including juice or soda. Also remove aligners when drinking wine or coffee.
- You may experience an increase in saliva. This will return to normal within 1 to 2 weeks.
- Keep all aligners, unless told otherwise by our staff.
- Do not play with your aligners. Bending an aligner frequently can break the aligner.
- Use an emery board to polish any areas that may feel rough.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the STOP sticker mean?
Our goal is to streamline your Invisalign experience. There are certain appointments we need to see you at before you proceed with the series of aligners. We have placed a “stop” sticker to remind you to stop proceeding with the series of aligners and come see us. If you can not see us, please stay on the aligner before the stop sticker.
A button came off. Is that okay?
Yes. Your attachments (buttons) are used as pressure points to move the teeth. Aligners will continue to move the teeth regardless of the attachments. Although replacing attachments are not urgent, let us know at your next orthodontic appointment, and we will replace them as needed.
My front teeth feel loose. Why?
This is normal. During orthodontic treatment, your teeth move with Invisalign. Teeth will set and become firm again after movement is complete.
Do I still need to see my dentist?
Yes. Orthodontists focus on the movement and alignment of the teeth. We do not look for cavities. You should still see your dentist every 6 months for regular cleanings and check ups.
My aligners are not fitting my teeth.
If you’re having trouble seating your aligners properly, you can use Invisalign Chewies to seat them. Make sure you wear your aligner for at least 21 hours per day. Treatment falls behind if you are not wearing your aligners properly for the minimum wear time. Your treatment plan is reliant on your cooperation; your teeth simply will not move as quickly as intended if aligners aren’t consistently worn. If your aligners are not properly seating, additional aligners may be necessary.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. To make an appointment, call or text Yang Orthodontics at 215-757-0864. If you haven’t met us yet, you can also click here to schedule a free consultation.